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Welcome to Fit for the King! My name is Katie and I am so excited that you're visiting my blog. I'm on a journey to live my life in a healthier, holier way and hope you will join me on this journey! 


"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phillipians 2:13


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I've chosen a terrible time to start a blog.

I'M SO SORRY!!! I feel terrible that I've not posted every day, or even every other day for the last week plus now. My family has been in the middle of a big transition and as such, I've not had any time to post anything online. I still don't have wifi at my new place, so right now I'm enjoying a Mango Black Tea Lemonade at Starbucks, mooching on thier wifi. No shame.

I don't have a ton of time to post as there's just so many things I still have to do. God's working big time right now in my heart, stretching me to learn how to love and see people the way he does. Its taking a lot of effort and energy, but he's given me the strength for all of this; the moving, the unpacking, and the forgiving and loving of others. There's a lot on my plate, but God promised us he wouldn't give us more than we could handle and that he will supply the strength needed to make it through these seasons. I'm so thankful that he has kept true on this promise!

I'm really excited, though, because since I've been so incredbily busy I haven't really had the chance to binge on anything unhealthy, and I've been very physically active moving lots of furniture. So I'm happy to report that since I started this blog and journey about two weeks ago, I have already dropped 6.1 pounds! Stepping on the scale today felt really good, and has just been more motivation to be healthy in eating, exercising and spending the proper amount of time resting, too.

As life begins to smooth itself out, I hope to be able to post on a daily basis again. I should be getting wifi in the next few days, at which point I won't really have an excuse anymore!

Until next time,


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