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Welcome to Fit for the King! My name is Katie and I am so excited that you're visiting my blog. I'm on a journey to live my life in a healthier, holier way and hope you will join me on this journey! 


"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phillipians 2:13


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Tired, Grumpy Days

Today was just a grumpy day. It started out with my puppy needing to be taken out at 5:45am, and my inability to get back to sleep after having only slept for about 5 hours. I'm pretty sure that my tiredness has a lot to do with how I moved through today and I'm going to be much more aware of when I go to bed starting tonight. Sleep has a lot to do with how we feel and what we eat throughout the day. Since this whole journey is about learning how to treat my body right, I've realized that extends to more areas of life besides eating. That means giving myself enough rest, too.

Needless to say, my grumpiness wasn't very attractive to be around today, so its a good thing I didn't have to interact with a lot of people. Food wise, half of my meals were wise and healthy and the other half were not. I'm not going to get hung up on what I ate today, and I'm trying my hardest not to get mad at myself for giving in to a craving because of my physical and mental fatigue. What I am going to do is have grace for myself right now, make better decisions tomorrow, and get a lot more sleep tonight. Hopefully there won't be any 5:45 wake up calls in the morning. Even if there are, though, going to bed earlier would make getting up that early a lot easier.

Mini-victory today, though. I went to the grocery store to pick up some things for my brother (who, by the way, eats like you would expect a typical 20 year old man to: lots of sodas, chips and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches). The reason I'm proud of myself is because I didn't wander down the candy aisle, I didn't give in and purchase anything that would derail me, I just went in, got what my brother needed, and left. Like fast food places, grocery stores can often be a battle for me, and I'm really happy that today I won the battle.

Alright. Finishing my low-fat yogurt for dessert, doing some cleaning then spending some much needed time with my Abba before I hit the hay as early as I can get away with. What time does the sun go down, again?

Until next time,


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