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Welcome to Fit for the King! My name is Katie and I am so excited that you're visiting my blog. I'm on a journey to live my life in a healthier, holier way and hope you will join me on this journey! 


"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phillipians 2:13


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Fearfully & Wonderfully

Today was a much better day for many reasons, and that was reflected in how I made it through the day. Getting 8 hours of sleep really helped my mood and eating filling but low-cal foods gave me the strength to get through the day without cheating. I had so much motivation for making good choices because of you guys! I know that sounds crazy, but knowing that everyday the decisions I make will be shared with you all in the evening helped me make wiser decisions when I went on a longer grocery run with my brother today, as well as when I went out to eat with my best friend. Making the decisions to not buy chips or delicious looking old fashioned donuts and swap it instead for baby carrots and strawberries wasn't easy, but I know in the long run it will be so worth it, and it feels a lot better to tell you all that I ate baby carrots instead of a bag of M&M's.

On a side note, I went wedding dress shopping today, which was a total blast! Seeing myself in the mirror in all those beautiful gowns made me feel like a queen, and I knew that no matter what size I am when I walk down the aisle in 10 months, I will look absolutely ravishing. That being said, I still have my goals and ambitions to lose weight to be healthier, and a side effect of that will most likely be dropping a few sizes. But no matter what, on that special day, I know I'm going to be beautiful. The verse that really kept ringing through my heart today was Psalms 139:14, which says "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." God looks at me and you and says that what he has created is good, that we are beautiful and good in his eyes. If that's not something to praise him for, I don't know what else is! To know that the creator of the heavens looks at me and sees a masterpiece when sometimes all I can see are mistakes, that just shifts my perspecitve so quickly.

I hope you can let the words of Psalm 139 stick with you as you walk finish up this week. Know that no matter how many mistakes you see in yourself, whether its you appearance or your health or your mental abilities or anything, God looks at you and sees something fearfully and wonderfully made. If you want an awesome lockscreen photo like the one pictured above, go check out French Press Mornings (<-- link), another beautiful blogger that creates simply gorgeous paintings and graphics of christian lyrics and Bible verses. I love having the encouragement of a Bible verse as the first thing I see when I wake up and when I am walking through my day!!

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