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Welcome to Fit for the King! My name is Katie and I am so excited that you're visiting my blog. I'm on a journey to live my life in a healthier, holier way and hope you will join me on this journey! 


"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phillipians 2:13


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Day One is Always the Hardest

You know what they say about starting a new habit: the first week is always the hardest. I can say that is 100% true about resetting my mindset and eating habits for today.

As this is the week before school starts for most colleges and universities, I have been scheduling as much one-on-one time with my lovely girl friends as possible, and have been blessed with being able to see them and have good community time connecting and sharing life with one another. The struggle, though, is that so many of my friends want to spend time together eating food. Usually, that means going out to eat, which is an area of great temptation for myself. I find it really hard to make good, healthy decisions when I'm paying an arm and a leg for delicious food to be made for me.

Needless to say, I feel alright about what I ate today. Everything I ate wasn't the healthiest thing on the menu, but it certainly wasn't the worst either. Breakfast with one of my best friends was an omelete with some sausage, onions and potatoes and a cup of fruit. Thank God I was with someone who's living a gluten free life, otherwise I probably wouldn't have skipped the english muffin on the side.

Tuesdays have been very busy for me this summer and today was no exception. After a late breakfast, I needed to run errands for a little while before driving 2 hours into the city for counselling. I passed so many drive-through places that were so tempting and got to the place where I was so hungry that I nearly gave in and bought a candy bar at the gas station when I was fueling up. Needless to say, I think it might be wise of me to start carrying around some kind of healthy bar that can satisfy my hunger cravings when I'm out and about and know I won't be getting home anytime soon. Anyone have any good suggestions?

By the time I started to head out of the city, I was getting quite hungry since I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Somehow I managed to not stop for any fast food on the way home, though it probably had more to do with the size of my wallet at the moment and less to do with will power. Either way, I'm glad that I waited til I got home to eat. Some soup and a low fat yogurt later, I'm feeling full and pretty satisfied with how my day went. I'm very tired from staying up so late last night, so prudence would suggest I turn in early tonight. Maybe getting more sleep might help with hunger cravings, too. We'll see.

A couple of verses in Phillipians really helped me get through the day today, 1:6 and 2:13. If you're struggling with where you're at currently, I'd suggest reading through Phillipians and letting Paul's words of hope and encouragement reach you right now. On another note, I'm also looking forward to deconstructing Romans 12:1-2 on here in the next week or so for you guys. Lots of good stuff in there.

I'm going to try and do a daily update for the first month or so, just because I know I'm going to need a lot of accountability to stick with this. I've tried to change my lifestyle so many times before, but it's always been an effort I've done on my own. I'm ready to try doing this with a community of people, and hope anyone reading this will be willing to comment, send me emails or connect on social media so we can move through our personal journeys together.

Until next time,


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