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Welcome to Fit for the King! My name is Katie and I am so excited that you're visiting my blog. I'm on a journey to live my life in a healthier, holier way and hope you will join me on this journey! 


"For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases Him." Phillipians 2:13


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I've Moved!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in 4 four days! Things have been crazy in my household. We're in the process of moving to two different places, an apartment 45 minutes closer to the city for me, and a new house in Florida for my parents. We've been increibdly busy packing everything, moving it all over to the new apartment and unloading/organizing the entire place. Today is the first day in the last four where I've actually had a chance to sit down and type out a couple of short words to give you all an update.

Moving has been increibdly physical, and I've been "working out" a lot. My dad and I have moved probably about 2000 pounds of furniture and boxes, and I can feel it! My legs and glutes, as well as my arms, are quite sore. Tonight I had a chance to do some yoga to stretch out my tense muscles, and it felt really good. I moved from a bedroom with carpeting to a bedroom with wood floors, and I'm really happy about that because I have every intention of waking up 10 minutes early to do some light yoga before I start my day. I couldn't before because my yoga mat didn't stay put on my carpeted floor. But it works well in my new room, and I have plenty of space to stretch out!

Because things have been so intense and crazy, I haven't been eating really clean. I've mostly just eaten whatever was in the house I was at, which has included pizza and some high sodium soups and such. Now that things are starting to get more settled, though, I will make sure to make up a clean grocery list and start making and freezing clean meals for myself so I can just grab & go in the mornings before classes. On top of that, I'm going to be very good about keeping a lot of delicious, fresh fruits and veggies around, ready to be eaten in case I get hungry and want to snack on things.

I haven't done a weigh in yet, and will probably wait to start that until life sorts itself out a little more. We've got a couple more days of crazy with sorting things and organizing the house and moving stuff, and then I should get into a routine. Once that happens, I will be focusing most of my energy on taking care of myself, between school, my physical, mental and spiritual health. I'm excited about this next season, the waiting period is just about over!

Its been easy for me to get overwhelmed the past week with everything going on, to feel like nothing makes a whole lot of sense and in the moment, everything can seem to just be going wrong. A verse that I've been meditating on when I have felt like this is Psalms 139:16 (If you can't tell I've been studying Psalm 139 the past week ;) ). It says this:

"You saw me before I was born, and every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed."

How comforting and relieving it is to know that the God who made this world and who created me knows every single thing that will happen to me before I could! There is so much peace to be found in this, knowing that he has formed my days for me and that he will not give me anything more than I can handle. This truth calms my heart and puts my mind at ease when I meditate on it. If you find yourself worrying about how crazy your life is, how nothing seems to be going right, fix you eyes on the one who already knows, and who has promised to give you the strength you need in order to overcome.

Until next time,


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